How linkable is your blog post?
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How linkable is your blog post?
From here. The idea is that the more you can say yes to, the more likely it is that people will read to what you write. Not that there's an exact formula for it, but most of these are good.
* My post title includes a pun
* My post title includes more than 10 words
* I start off by explaining the post’s core idea
* My post contains more than 3 paragraphs of my own writing
* I spell-checked my post
* The post’s idea was “sleeping” inside my head for several weeks before I wrote it down
* I was the first to report on this (as far as I know)
* This post might have profound implications for a company, celebrity, or politican
* This post might have profound implications for my readers
* This post is in-tune with the overall topic of my blog
* I illustrated my post with screenshots, drawings, or cliparts
* I end the post with a “bang”
* I use the Creative Commons license to share my content
* I emailed friends to let them know about my article
* I validated my blog’s HTML after posting
* I use a standard blog template
* I read my own post for clarity at least twice
* I use links, bold/ italics, or lists
* I’m blogging daily
* My blog is read by many people
* My post is English
* I’m reporting on first-hand experiences
* The subject I’m writing about is close to my heart
* My post includes a video, audio file or ZIP download
* Readers can comment on my post
* I submitted the post to Digg
* I submitted the post to Metafilter
* I submitted the post to Boing Boing
* I sent the post to a mainstream news source
* My post is above 250 KB (including images)
* I checked my blog’s appearance in at least 2 browsers
* I include a large ad on top of the main content
* My ad colors resemble my main content
* I decrease the font-size quite a bit to make the layout look better
* I’m citing my sources and delivering proof for what I say
* I’m using affiliate links inside my post’s content
* My post might be considered controversial by many
* Some parts of my post make people laugh
* My server is fast to deliver pages, even under heavy traffic
* My full name is included at the beginning or end of the post
* My “About” page is linked in the navigation
* My “About” page includes my bio and photo
* I’m using several JavaScript widgets (like counters) in my blog
* I’m checking my blog statistics every few days
* I consider myself an expert on this post’s topic
* My page includes animated ads
* My page includes an ad that pops up or is overlaid on the content
Some of them are a bit strange, though. More than 10 words in the the title? Why? Putting a large ad at the top? No, that doesn't exactly help you get linked by anybody. Ads don't attract visitors. Maybe they help you monitize the site, if they don't scare people away. No, a pop-up overlaid ad is about the most idiotic thing you can do if you want somebody to link to your blog without being paid for it. Everybody hates them, except for the spammers who think them up. What's the guy thinking?
7 Aug 2006 @ 18:27 by Sean Murphy @ : Not all of the elements are positive
about 40% of the items are actually negatives, (e.g. puns, more than 250K post size, more than ten words in title...) This is actually a very sophisticated analysis tool (you can disagree with his advice but it's presented in prioritized fashion). Many of the items are actually common "negatives" that make a post less likely to be linked. You should check some of the boxes you found strange and then read all the way to the end of the feedback, I think in most cases it will recommend NOT doing them.
Based on your test results, here are the top 10 tips (ordered by importance) on how you can improve your post::
Make sure you write something original, and not just a few sentences. When people link to content, they usually go straight to the source... so if your blog doesn’t have much content, or just links to the real content (which is nothing bad, it’s what link blogs do), don’t expect to get too many backlinks.
The worst possible thing to happen is that just when your post takes off, your server goes down from traffic. When you want to take your blog to the next level make sure you are up to it with a fast and reliably strong server package. Just imagine you’re on the Digg frontpage and your server goes down... how likely is it that a) people come back to your post the next day and b) people digg your post? Not very!
Sometimes, a small illustrative or explanatory image can go a long way to improve the linkability of your post. It just makes an article feel more fun, and more complete. Naturally not everyone’s an artist or designer, but there are many Creative Commons licensed photos around on Flickr and others.
It’s good practice to use an “inverted pyramid” style of writing online. This means that you start off by explaining the main idea of your post, and you later expand on the idea with more details. This way, people with little time can easily decide whether or not they like your post. After all, if someone doesn’t understand what you want to talk about, that someone might just leave. “Prime” your audience in the first sentence so they know what to expect.
There are many potentially interesting blog posts people don’t pass on simply because it’s unclear where the information is coming from (or it’s unclear whether or not it’s true in the first place). Make sure to avoid this by clearly citing your sources (e.g. a linked “According to the NYT today..."), and by always giving as much proof as possible (e.g. in the form of a screenshot, which while not a final proof, is still a good hint your content is authentic).
If your blog is in a language other than English, it won’t be able to easily attract a worldwide audience (as unfair as that may be). If you’re blogging about a topic of global interest, and your grip on English is OK, then it’s best to post in English even if that’s not your native language.
If you blog daily, you increase the chance of people actually noticing your latest blog post. Not everyone uses an RSS reader.
You should read your own post several times to check if you made everything clear. Did you talk about B without explaining A first? Did you omit an argument that is necessary to reach your conclusion?
Also, make sure that a newcomer to the subject can easily follow your explanations. (You don’t want to only write for an audience of experts, even if your blog mostly attracts this audience... who knows where a link to your post might end up!)
Write about what you know – the more you are an expert on something, the more likely your view on this issue helps others. (Note that the more you cover a specific topic, the more you will become an expert on it... so keep blogging.)
Sometimes the best post ideas are the ones covering a subject you care deeply about (and do care about for a long time already).
About this test
Checking dozens of links daily for Google Blogoscoped, I realized there are several factors that make me link (or not link) to other blog posts. I’m sure every other blogger experiences the same. It’s almost like you build a “spam filter” in your mind, and if too many things seem to be wrong with the post, you don’t link to it – or vice versa, when a lot of things are “right” with the post you just have to link to it. It’s an intuitive choice but I think it consists of various micro-choices, which I tried to formalize with the test to help others create more linkable posts.
Linkability shouldn’t be your main goal when blogging, but it’s a good indicator of how approachable and interesting your writing is.
– Philipp Lenssen,, May 2006
"[A] nifty little quiz that aims to determine how likely it is that someone will link to your blog post ... the results page offers up tips and advice based on the way that you answered the questions."
– Search Engine Guide