by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
Los agentes inmobiliarios nos dicen que hay tres factores importantes para mejorar el valor de una propiedad. Y son, es ese orden, localización, localización y localización. La traducción a vender su negocio en la web y se convierten en contenido, contenido, contenido. Para sitios web de negocios eso implica información Cambio de Bolsillo Pocket Change
Benjamin Riggnor quiere mover su pequeña tienda de numismática a la Web, de manera que pueda alcanzar a una audiencia global y no solo a sus vecinos de McLean Co., Illinois. Con un presupuesto limitado, contrata un diseñador de webs y acaba con tres paginas web: - Página de bienvenida que habla de su negocio.
- Una lista de 60 monedas que percibe de amplio interés.
- Un formulario de pedido.
anuncia la web en los buscadores básicos y después de algunas semanas, si busca a fondo, puede encontrar Riggnor Coins bajo las palabras "coleccionista de monedas". consigue algunos accesos, vende algunas monedas. Pero se pregunta '¿Qué está mal? La respuesta ocupa una sola palabra: Contenido.
Para diferenciarse de los cientos, o miles, de competidores es imprescindible crear un contenido atractivo, información que lleve a los coleccionistas de monedas a su web. Hay varias opciones, todas ellas adaptables a su negocio y todas llevan algo de trabajo.
Developing Content One Page at a Time
¿Porqué no desarrolla una galería de fotos raras con un resumen de la historia de cada una de ellas?. Porque no la llama "100 Monedas raras del mundo para el coleccionista serio? Vaya palabrería se dirá. Pues si, a propósito. Los motores de busqueda de la web indexan sobre palabras en el título, pero también otras palabras en la página. ¿qué palabras tecleará alguien que busca monedas? Rara, Moneda, coleccionar. Ya tiene la idea. Si no tiene 100 aún, haga lo que pueda y diga a la gente que es su meta, y trabaje en ello.
Now you begin to develop this one webpage for each coin. Make sure your web designer creates a template page you can use to create new, similar pages yourself with an HTML editor such as Microsoft FrontPage.
One hundred Web pages is a lot, you protest. Yes, but it increases dramatically your chance being seen on Google under "coin collecting." It becomes an increasingly valuable resource which is both visual and written. While you're doing this, why don't you begin a free e-mail newsletter your Web visitors can sign up for. Each week or two you include the text of your latest Rare Coins, plus a list of coins for sale. Now your work is doing double duty: it is will increase your sales as well as attracting new coin collectors to your site.
Riggnor is giving too much away, you say. Yes, but he's attracting a growing stream of people who never would have noticed him before, people who have a strong interest in what he is selling.
This kind of plan takes a while to execute, but once you develop some momentum, you find that more and more people come to visit. There's a great line about patience in the classic film "Casablanca" where Humphrey Bogart says to Ingrid Bergman: "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of your life." That's the way you have to look at building content. You may not see the results today or tomorrow, but ....
Create a Center
Years ago Richard Soos created the "Electronic Money Tree," a marketing e-zine created entirely from free articles written by marketers who get exposure for their services on his site. Mention in Yahoo Magazine and others brings lots of traffic -- and people return to read the next issues, since he renewed content monthly and reminded former visitors via e-mail. Nancy Bargine, President of Impressa, targeted business people who are also do-it-yourself webpage developers. She has assembled a variety of tools and information for promoting a website.
- Articles she had written
- Links to websites offering related software tools
- Lists of linking sites on the Web
- A new, reasonably-priced software tool which enables small business people to do ongoing website promotion from their desktop.
Her carefully-built "center" attracted increasing numbers of visitors. Note that she gave a lot away. That is what brings visitors. She also sold a product related to the content which she was giving away, but adding to it.
What should you offer in your center? First, define demographically who are the best customers for your products or services. Then ask yourself, what do these people enjoy? What do they do with their spare time? What do they need which I could provide them? The better handle you have on your prospective customers, the better you can design content to attract them. Note: content does not have to be closely related to your product, but to your prospective customers' needs and desires.
Why don't you set a goal to build a "center" designed to attract increasing numbers to your website. Hey! If it can work for Benjamin Riggnor, it can work for you.